Sunday, August 20, 2006

A turn in the road while parked on the highway

Karla invited me up from Texas to her sister's wedding in Michigan. We both agreed it would be a good time for us to say goodbye to one another and head along our separate paths. She was panning to go and work in Alaska, I was studying international relations. While I was there for the weekend, we attended a Lutheran wedding, a Catholic mass and a Charismatic revival service. Somewhat confused, Karla asked "How can anyone make sense of it all?" I responded that the most important question was not what other people thought, but whether one is at peace with God. She asked how to do that and I stopped the car. I shared with her from Scripture how to have peace with God by his grace through faith in Christ, and she received that. Immediately I knew that what looked like the end was really the beginning. With the windshield wipers slapping away I asked Karla if she would marry me. She said yes, we announced it to her family and I flew back to Texas until it was time for the marriage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Salvation and a proposal for marriage. Two birds with one stone, I guess. You won a soul to Christ and got a wonderful wife as an incentive, hehe.

4:57 AM  

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